Medical research

Researchers invent self-powered drug delivery system

A team of scientists—led by Yamin Zhang, Ph.D., and Colin Franz, MD, Ph.D., at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and John Rogers, Ph.D., at Northwestern University—has developed novel technology with the potential to change the ...


Design prevents buildup of scar tissue around medical implants

Implantable devices that release insulin into the body hold promise as an alternative way to treat diabetes without insulin injections or cannula insertions. However, one obstacle that has prevented their use so far is that ...


Repurposing cancer drug to treat neuroinflammation

The repurposing of FDA-approved drugs for alternative diseases is a faster way of bringing new treatments into the clinic. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have repurposed a cancer drug for treatment of neuroinflammatory ...

Oncology & Cancer

Neural stem cell therapy may improve metastatic cancer survival

Neural stem cells (NSCs) engineered by Northwestern Medicine investigators used in combination with the HER2 inhibitor drug tucatinib improved survival in mice with HER2-positive breast cancer brain metastases, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

DNA nanotubes deliver therapeutics to glioblastoma tumors

Glioblastoma is widely considered the most aggressive brain cancer. Even with treatment, patient survival rates are low, with most living an average of 15–18 months after diagnosis. Because of the highly diverse characteristics ...

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