Medical research

Therapeutic can seek and destroy potent opioid to treat overdoses

A new therapeutic designed by Scripps Research chemists can alter the molecular structure of the potent opioid carfentanil, inactivating the opioid and reversing a carfentanil overdose. The compound, which is described in ...


New warning about the risks of combining ibuprofen and codeine

The European Medicines Agencies (EMA) recommended European countries include new warnings on labels and in package inserts of analgesics, or pain killers, that combine codeine and ibuprofen. This recommendation was agreed ...


Real-world data links rosuvastatin with signs of kidney damage

Statins can effectively lower high cholesterol, and many individuals take rosuvastatin, one member of this drug class. New research based on patient health records and published in Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ...

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