Medical research

Study examines nicotine as a gateway drug

A landmark study in mice identifies a biological mechanism that could help explain how tobacco products could act as gateway drugs, increasing a person's future likelihood of abusing cocaine and perhaps other drugs as well, ...


Hard to arouse, hard to calm down

A scale used to assess the behavior of newborns exposed to methamphetamine before birth might be able to identify those children who will develop problems later on, according to a study that will be presented Sunday, May ...


S.Africa to roll out vaginal rings to fight HIV scourge

A "revolutionary" vaginal ring to prevent HIV is soon to be rolled out in South Africa—which has the largest epidemic of the virus in the world, a global financing partnership said on Friday.


Radiation from Japan not damaging nation's food supply

Radiation spewing from Japan's severely damaged nuclear facilities following the recent earthquake and tsunami is not endangering the United States' food supply, according to a food-safety expert in Penn State's College of ...

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