
New research predicts market share for drug makers

Lagging behind in launching new medicines means a much smaller market share for pharmaceutical companies—even if they spend just as much on advertising, according to new research from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.


China to lift price controls on most drugs starting June 1

Chinese regulators will lift price controls on most pharmaceutical drugs starting June 1 in hopes that the market-driven pricing system will keep medical costs in check, the National Development and Reform Commission announced ...


UnitedHealth bulks up for prescription drug cost battle

The nation's largest health insurer, UnitedHealth, will muscle up for its fight against rising prescription drug costs by spending more than $12 billion to buy pharmacy benefits manager Catamaran Corp.


Fast-tracking rare disease drug candidates' approval

Aspiring new drugs face long and stringent tests on safety and effectiveness before making it to market. And rightly so. But giving drugs special designations that bring with them the right incentives can help bring them ...


Drug sales to hit lowest growth rate in decades

Growth in global prescription drug spending will slow to the lowest rate in decades as low-cost generic drugs continue replacing former blockbusters in the U.S. and Europe, where governments face new pressure to reduce health ...


Counterfeit medicine trade targets Africa's poor

From Cameroon to Ivory Coast, Kenya to the DR Congo, traders in counterfeit drugs do a thriving business with the utmost cynicism and sometimes at the cost of human lives.


Old tobacco playbook gets new use by e-cigarettes

Companies vying for a stake in the fast-growing electronic cigarette business are reviving the decades-old marketing tactics the tobacco industry used to hook generations of Americans on regular smokes.


Pfizer to pay $491M to resolve drug marketing case (Update)

The U.S. Justice Department said Tuesday that drugmaker Pfizer Inc. will pay almost $491 million to resolve an investigation into illegal marketing of the organ transplant drug Rapamune by a company Pfizer later acquired.

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