
Cause and effect: the US opioid crisis explained

The opioid epidemic ravaging the United States, and New Hampshire in particular, is born from subscription painkillers. How did it start? What do opioids do to the body? Is the crisis already past its worst?


Study links rising heroin deaths to 2010 OxyContin reformulation

Efforts by Purdue Pharma in 2010 to make its blockbuster prescription opioid painkiller OxyContin less prone to abuse did nothing to reduce the number of drug overdose deaths across the nation. In fact, according to researchers ...


Drug overdose epidemic to recede soon

A study by researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health is the first to apply Farr's Law on the rise and fall of epidemics to an outbreak that isn't, strictly speaking, infectious in origin: drug overdoses.


More than two-thirds of drug OD deaths in 2017 involved opioids

(HealthDay)—More than two-thirds of drug overdose deaths in 2017 involved an opioid, with increases in overdose deaths from all opioids and synthetic opioids seen from 2016 to 2017, according to research published in the ...


US drug overdose deaths surge amid fentanyl scourge

US drug overdose deaths surged to nearly 72,000 last year, as addicts increasingly turn to extremely powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl as the supply of prescription painkillers has tightened.

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