
Slim pickings for two weight-loss drugs?

Options are limited in America's battle of the bulge. While diet and exercise can help in the short term, they are frustratingly ineffective in the long run.


Centering underrepresented populations in pharmacy research

Underrepresented populations have been historically excluded from clinical trials including women, racial and ethnic minority groups, and pregnant, lactating, pediatric and geriatric populations. While the importance of including ...


A novel prescription to combat drug shortages

Prescription drug shortages, a longstanding issue for patient care in the United States, are reportedly reaching all-time highs. Safety lapses at manufacturing sites, razor-thin profit margins, and stiff competition have ...


Survey finds majority support for drug checking services

Data from the 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Survey examined support for drug checking services, analyzing between demographic, social, and substance use variables and the endorsement of drug checking.


50 years of failure in UK drug policy must end

The 50 year old UK Misuse of Drugs Act, which provides the primary legislation for our drug laws, has failed to reduce illicit drug supply, use, and harms and was designed, and continues to be used, as a tool of systemic ...

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