
High R&D isn't necessarily why drugs are so expensive

In the first known study of its type, an international team of researchers evaluated whether high research and development (R&D) costs explain high drug prices in the United States.


How will pending budget bill reduce drug prices for Americans?

The Inflation Reduction Act contains provisions that are expected to lower drug costs for millions of Americans by allowing Medicare to negotiate some drug prices and by limiting the amount of out-of-pocket drug costs for ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Medicare limits coverage of $28,000-a-year Alzheimer's drug

Medicare said Tuesday it will limit coverage of a $28,000-a-year Alzheimer's drug whose benefits have been widely questioned, a major development in the nation's tug-of-war over the fair value of new medicines that offer ...


US drug prices are costing us more than we think

Aduhelm, the first new Alzheimer's drug in 18 years, could easily become the best-selling drug in Medicare, despite its potential massive cost and tremendous uncertainty about whether the drug even works, says Rachel Sachs, ...

Medical economics

Health care spending for working Americans reaches all time high

Average annual health care spending for individuals with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) rose 2.9% to $6,001 per person in 2019, according to the Health Care Cost Institute's annual Health Care Cost and Utilization Report. ...

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