Medical economics

Groups make own drugs to fight high drug prices, shortages

Impatient with years of inaction in Washington on prescription drug costs, U.S. hospital groups, startups and nonprofits have started making their own medicines in a bid to combat stubbornly high prices and persistent shortages ...


Congress has ambitious agenda tackling health care costs

Lawmakers are trying to set aside their irreconcilable differences over the Obama-era Affordable Care Act and work to reach bipartisan agreement on a more immediate health care issue, lowering costs for people who already ...

Medical economics

Health care spending for working Americans reaches all time high

Average annual health care spending for individuals with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) rose 2.9% to $6,001 per person in 2019, according to the Health Care Cost Institute's annual Health Care Cost and Utilization Report. ...

Oncology & Cancer

High cost of cancer drugs not always justified

A growing number of new cancer drugs have come on the market in recent years, yet the cost of therapies in Europe and the United States have risen. This is driving up healthcare costs, which poses a challenge not only for ...


Drug compounder offers cheap version of costly Turing drug

Stepping into the furor over eye-popping price spikes for old generic medicines, a maker of compounded drugs will begin selling $1 doses of Daraprim, whose price recently was jacked up to $750 per pill by Turing Pharmaceuticals.


Can the high cost of prescription drugs in the US be contained?

In a Special Communication in JAMA, "The High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the United States Origins and Prospects for Reform," Kesselheim and colleagues reviewed the peer reviewed medical and health policy literature from ...

Oncology & Cancer

Current blood cancer drug prices not justified, study finds

The costs associated with cancer drug prices have risen dramatically over the past 15 years, which is of concern to many top oncologists. In a new analysis, researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center ...

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