Medical research

Mathematical model helps design efficient multi-drug therapies

For years, doctors treating those with HIV have recognized a relationship between how faithfully patients take the drugs they prescribe, and how likely the virus is to develop drug resistance. More recently, research has ...


New lead against HIV could finally hobble the virus's edge

Since HIV emerged in the '80s, drug "cocktails" transformed the deadly disease into a manageable one. But the virus is adept at developing resistance to drugs, and treatment regimens require tweaking that can be costly. Now ...

Oncology & Cancer

More chemo drugs don't improve treatment of rare bone cancer

Osteosarcoma patients with tumors that haven't responded well to the standard chemotherapy regimen have unimproved outcomes and more side effects when given two additional drugs, a large international trial has found.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Chronic pain: Watch out before accepting diagnosis and treatment

A new commentary published online in The FASEB Journal argues that patients should be diligent and demand proof of safety and benefit before beginning any treatment regimen for chronic pain, as some treatments have very little ...

Oncology & Cancer

Chemo-induced nausea remains big problem, study says

A large, phase III study of four commonly used drug regimens to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea concluded that while two regimens were better at managing patients’ queasiness, none were totally effective – prompting ...

Oncology & Cancer

FDA approves new pancreatic cancer drug

(HealthDay)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new drug called Onivyde as part of a treatment regimen for advanced pancreatic cancer.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

More drugs show promise in fighting hepatitis C

(HealthDay)—An experimental drug duo may cure some cases of the liver disease hepatitis C, without the severe side effects of standard therapy, a new clinical trial suggests.

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