
Debate heats up over safety of electronic health records

Department of Health and Human Services officials said Tuesday that the safety benefits of electronic health records far outweigh any potential problems, but critics say regulators are pushing health care providers to use ...


Safety advocates seek stronger warnings on Chantix (Update)

Public safety advocates are asking the federal government to strengthen warnings on Pfizer's anti-smoking drug Chantix, even as the drugmaker prepares to argue that a bold-letter warning about psychiatric problems should ...


Movantik approved for constipation from opioids

(HealthDay)—Movantik (naloxegol) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat opioid-induced constipation, the agency said Tuesday.


Prescription drugs play an increased role in traffic deaths

As states across the country explore the relaxation of marijuana laws, the changes have sparked widespread debate about the actions' impact on public safety. According to a West Virginia University School of Public Health ...


Pyridoxine-doxylamine drug safety data lacking

(Medical Xpress)—The most commonly prescribed drug for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness in their first trimester does not prevent birth defects even though drug safety data says it does, according to research ...


Hospital safety improves for heart patients, study finds

(HealthDay)—Efforts to reduce "adverse events" that occur in the hospital appear to be taking hold for patients who've had a heart attack or those being treated for congestive heart failure, according to new research.


Making sense of drug safety science

(Medical Xpress)—Why do drugs have side effects and what can be done about them? Making Sense of Drug Safety Science, a guide to answer these precise questions has been produced by Sense about Science, in collaboration ...

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