
Inadequate sleep is bad for preteens' brains

We all know that if we don't get enough sleep or don't sleep well, we won't be on top of our game the next day. And we know that many teens and preteens get too little or poor-quality sleep. Now, a large, first-of-its kind ...


Watching the brain learn

Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying brain plasticity (how the brain can learn, develop and reorganize itself) is crucial for explaining many illnesses and conditions. Neurocientists from the University ...


The choroid plexus: A conduit for prenatal inflammation?

Floating in fluid deep in the brain are small, little understood fronds of tissue. Two new studies reveal that these miniature organs are a hotbed of immune system activity. This activity may protect the developing brain ...


Immune cells sculpt circuits in the brain

Immune cells play an unexpected role in fine-tuning the brain's neural circuits, according to research published in September, 2020 in Neuron. The immune cells that reside there, known as microglia, not only protect the brain ...

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