
Early onset of menopause and diabetes may limit life span

Only in science fiction novels can scientists predict people's lifespans. However, researchers have advanced the understanding of those risk factors that adversely affect mortality rates. A new study concludes that women ...


Exercise is unrelated to risk of early menopause

The amount of physical activity that women undertake is not linked to their risk of early menopause, according to the largest study ever to investigate this question.


Weight plays a role in menopause age

Being underweight or overweight could affect the age at which women experience menopause, a University of Queensland study has found.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Menopause found to worsen symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

A recent study published in Rheumatology suggests that women with rheumatoid arthritis suffer a greater decline in physical function following menopause. After studying 8189 women with rheumatoid arthritis, researchers found ...


Underweight women are at greater risk of early menopause

Underweight women and women who were underweight as teenagers or in their mid-30s are at greater risk of experiencing an early menopause compared to lean or normal weight women, according to a study of nearly 80,000 women.

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