Psychology & Psychiatry

Older is wiser, at least economically

The brains of older people are slowing but experience more than makes up for the decline, a University of California, Riverside assistant professor of management and several colleagues found when asking the participants a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The cost of racial bias in economic decisions

When financial gain depends on cooperation, we might expect that people would put aside their differences and focus on the bottom line. But new research suggests that people's racial biases make them more likely to leave ...


Rethinking mortality and how we plan for old age

Many people dream of comfortably living out their golden years. A new IIASA study, however, shows that older Europeans, and especially women, frequently underestimate how many years they have left, which could lead to costly ...


Seven strategies can help practices manage staff time off

(HealthDay)—Several strategies can be implemented to help address management of staff time off, allowing mutual respect for the employee and employer requests, according to an article published in Medical Economics.

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