
Surge in designer drugs, tainted 'E' poses lethal risks

In the span of a decade, Canada has gone from ecstasy importer to global supplier of the illegal party drug. At the same time, even newer designer highs—sometimes just a mouse-click away—are flooding the drug market faster ...


'Legal highs,' PMMA and zombie panic

Recent deaths in both Canada and the UK linked to PMA/PMMA in ecstasy pills has brought public scrutiny to this little known drug. With Canadian producing most of the ecstasy in the North American market, this timely paper ...


Ecstasy use on rise again among U.S. teens

(HealthDay)—The number of U.S. teens who wind up in the emergency room after taking the club drug Ecstasy has more than doubled in recent years, raising concerns that the hallucinogen is back in vogue, federal officials ...


EU urges 'legal highs' fight

The European Commission on Tuesday urged member countries to coordinate their fight against "legal highs", the use of medical drugs and industrial chemicals for recreation which has killed many unwary thrill-seekers.


New Zealand clamps down on 'legal' highs

New Zealand introduced a new law on Thursday which bans the use of drugs offering so-called "legal" highs unless manufacturers can provide clinical evidence that they are safe.


Leading the way in analysis of 'legal highs'

A team at the University of Lincoln, UK, is leading the way in new research aimed at detecting the vast amount of substances available on the legal highs market. A method developed at Lincoln has now been incorporated into ...

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