Psychology & Psychiatry

Is social anxiety a hidden disability for university students?

(Medical Xpress) -- Students are often expected to speak knowledgably in front of groups of unfamiliar people as part of their education. The assessment of student presentations contributes to degree grading, and employers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parents misled by advocates of single-sex education

There is no scientific basis for teaching boys and girls separately, according to Lise Eliot from The Chicago Medical School. Her review reveals fundamental flaws in the arguments put forward by proponents of single-sex schools ...


Do neurosurgeons face sexual harassment in their profession?

It's 2020, and as much as we wish it weren't so, sexual harassment is still with us. One need only look at social media or a steady stream of court cases: most recently, the #MeToo movement has cast a light on sexual harassment.

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