
EEGs can predict a movie's success better then surveys

Seventy five percent of movies earn a net loss during their run in theaters. A new study in the Journal of Marketing Research finds that brain activity visible through EEG measures may be a much cheaper and more accurate ...


How we know where we are

Knowing where we are and remembering routes that we've walked are crucial skills for our everyday life. In order to identify neural mechanisms of spatial navigation, RUB researchers headed by Prof Dr Nikolai Axmacher, together ...


In infants, pain from vaccinations shows up in brain activity

Infants show distinct, consistent patterns of brain activity in response to painful vaccinations, reports a study in the February issue of Pain, the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain.


Synchronized brain waves enable rapid learning

The human mind can rapidly absorb and analyze new information as it flits from thought to thought. These quickly changing brain states may be encoded by synchronization of brain waves across different brain regions, according ...


Team studies EEGs in the ER to improve seizure diagnosis, care

(Medical Xpress)—Even though it could impact their admission or care in the hospital, few seizing patients receive a diagnostic electroencephalogram, or EEG, in the emergency department, says a new study presented this ...

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