Medical research

Inactive pill ingredients could raise the dose of your medication

The average medication contains a mix of eight "inactive" ingredients added to pills to make them taste better, last longer, and stabilize the active ingredients within. Some of those additives are now getting a closer look ...


100-fold improvement in sight seen after gene therapy trial

The vision of people with a rare inherited condition that causes them to lose much of their sight early in childhood was 100 times better after they received gene therapy to address the genetic mutation causing it. Some patients ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New avenues to developing personalized treatments for schizophrenia

An international study, published in Nature Communications, may facilitate the creation of new personalized treatments for people diagnosed with schizophrenia. These are patients who suffer from various types of symptoms, ...


Anti-inflammatory nanoparticles mimic glycocalyx in IBD patients

Cases of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are on the rise worldwide. The benefits of current medications to treat patients with these diseases are limited by problematic ...

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