Health informatics

New research sheds light on how to choose quality eHealth tools

With so many eHealth tools available, it can be challenging to select the best one for a specific health need. A recent study published in JMIR Human Factors provides valuable insights on how to choose quality eHealth tools ...

Overweight & Obesity

Those with an eating disorder may benefit from eHealth

Eating disorders develop gradually and it often takes a long time for people with an eating disorder to seek help and receive treatment. This "treatment gap" can be reduced with eHealth, Ph.D. candidate Pieter Rohrbach has ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mixed results seen with eHealth program for cancer survivors

(HealthDay)—Cancer survivors appear to experience variable benefit from an eHealth self-management program designed to increase self-efficacy for managing cancer-related issues, according to a study published online Oct. ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Technology cuts the cost of dementia care

Due to its ageing population, the Netherlands is seeing an explosive growth in the number of dementia patients. This is expected to increase from 250,000 in 2013 to 500,000 in 2050. Cost cutting in the healthcare sector, ...

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