
Elder abuse affects Latinos disproportionately

A sobering new study by researchers from the University of Southern California Davis School of Gerontology finds that elder abuse in low-income Latino communities goes largely unreported. More than 40 percent of Latino elders ...


Elder abuse is common around the world

A new global review reveals that elder abuse—which includes psychological, physical, and sexual abuse; neglect; and financial exploitation—is common among community-dwelling older adults and is especially prevalent among ...


MU program helps health care workers move past tragedy

When a patient dies unexpectedly, whether suddenly or after a long illness, the loss can hit loved ones hard. In some of these cases, health care workers can be affected deeply due to the emotional bonding that can occur ...


Elder abuse under-identified in US emergency departments

Elder abuse affects approximately 1 in 10 older adults in the United States and has far-reaching negative effects on physical and mental health. Victims of elder abuse, like other vulnerable populations, tend not to receive ...

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