
Mortality of elder abuse in Malaysia

In Malaysia, research into elder abuse and neglect (EAN) has indicated a link between abuse and premature death, with pattern differences between males and females. Financial abuse is found to be more common than other subtypes ...


Elder abuse is common around the world

A new global review reveals that elder abuse—which includes psychological, physical, and sexual abuse; neglect; and financial exploitation—is common among community-dwelling older adults and is especially prevalent among ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

ACOG recommends screening women for elder abuse

(HealthDay)—Elder abuse is a prevalent issue and needs to be screened for in women aged 60 years and older during preventive health care visits, according to a Committee Opinion published in the July issue of Obstetrics ...


MU program helps health care workers move past tragedy

When a patient dies unexpectedly, whether suddenly or after a long illness, the loss can hit loved ones hard. In some of these cases, health care workers can be affected deeply due to the emotional bonding that can occur ...


Radiologic and physical findings identify elder abuse

Radiologists in Toronto have begun to identify a pattern of injuries that may be indicative of elder abuse, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).


Canada needs approach to combat elder abuse

Canada needs a comprehensive approach to reduce elder abuse that includes financial supports and programs for seniors and their caregivers, argues an editorial in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

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