
Binge eating linked to habit circuitry in the brain

Habits are like shortcuts for our brains. Once we form a habit—say, putting on a seat belt whenever we get into a car—the behavior becomes almost automatic in the right context. But habit formation isn't always a boon. ...

Biomedical technology

Wearable patch can painlessly deliver drugs through the skin

The skin is an appealing route for drug delivery because it allows drugs to go directly to the site where they're needed, which could be useful for wound healing, pain relief, or other medical and cosmetic applications. However, ...

Biomedical technology

Kenyan innovators turn e-waste to bio-robotic prosthetic

Twoportraits of Albert Einstein hang on the walls of a makeshift laboratory on Nairobi's outskirts, inspiring a pair of self-taught Kenyan innovators who have built a bio-robotic prosthetic arm out of electronic scrap.


Silent synapses are abundant in the adult brain

MIT neuroscientists have discovered that the adult brain contains millions of "silent synapses"—immature connections between neurons that remain inactive until they're recruited to help form new memories.

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