Psychology & Psychiatry

How uncertainty builds anxiety

Alfred Hitchcock observed that "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it." A common way to build suspense in a movie scene is for the audience to know something bad is going to happen, but not when it ...


2024 hurricane preparedness: Be ready for storm season

Each hurricane season, it is critical to take proactive steps to protect yourself, your family and your property. Hurricanes and other severe storm events can be devastating, but with proper preparation, you can minimize ...

Biomedical technology

Bolivian toymaker restores limbs, dignity with 3D-printing

As a kid growing up in poverty in rural Bolivia, Roly Mamani built his own toys. Now a 34-year-old engineer, he 3D prints limbs for Indigenous compatriots scarred by life-changing accidents.


US surgeons perform world's first whole eye transplant

A team of surgeons in New York has performed the world's first transplant of an entire eye in a procedure widely hailed as a medical breakthrough, although it isn't yet known whether the man will ever see through the donated ...

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