Psychology & Psychiatry

Study addresses misconceptions about electroconvulsive therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has long had a stigma of being a painful and barbaric method of treatment, but a new study found that patients undergoing ECT for a variety of psychiatric disorders view the therapy in a positive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is safe: study

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a highly effective treatment for severe depression and other mental disorders, but the procedure is feared by many. A recent study headed by researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Ketamine no 'wonder drug' for depression

There is no added benefit to using ketamine over a standard anaesthetic during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) according to new research from the University of Aberdeen.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New treatment for severe depression with far fewer side effects

Electroconvulsive therapy remains one of the most effective treatments for severe depression, but new UNSW research shows ultra-brief pulse stimulation is almost as effective as standard ECT, with far fewer cognitive side ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New magnetic treatment offers hope for depression

Though depression is often dubbed the common cold of mental health, the disorder can be crippling - and nearly a third of those who suffer find little or no relief in the flood of anti-depressants now on the market.


Researchers find ECT can rid the mind of selected memory

(Medical Xpress)—A team of researchers working in the Netherlands has found that partial selective memory deletion can be achieved using Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). In their paper published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study uncovers key to antidepressant response

Through a series of investigations in mice and humans, Johns Hopkins researchers have identified a protein that appears to be the target of both antidepressant drugs and electroconvulsive therapy. Results of their experiments ...

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