
Deployable electrodes for minimally invasive craniosurgery

Stephanie Lacour's specialty is the development of flexible electrodes that adapt to a moving body, providing more reliable connections with the nervous system. Her work is inherently interdisciplinary.

Biomedical technology

Microfabricated thin-film electrodes show therapeutic promise

Earlier this year, thin-film microgrid arrays developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and used in neurologist Jon Kleen's patients at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) showed that hippocampal ...

Medical research

Lab team makes unique contributions to the first bionic eye

As part of the multi-institutional Artificial Retina Project, Los Alamos researchers helped develop the first bionic eye. Recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Argus II will help people blinded by ...


Eye implants make vision-restoring progress

(Medical Xpress) -- "I was blind once but now I can see.” The words are no longer the sole property of religious testimony and literature. Medical progress is being made in the restoration of vision as evidenced by Second ...

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