Obstetrics & gynaecology

The sooner the better: An argument for fetal MRI before 16 weeks

To date, fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been limited to the mid-second or the third trimester of pregnancy. This timing has been based on the belief that MRIs performed too early couldn't produce diagnostic images ...

Radiology & Imaging

MRI images: More efficient, quieter and faster

Magnetic resonance imaging has become an indispensable tool for medical diagnostics. Using metamaterials—printed circuit boards whose properties can be systematically adjusted—can increase measurement sensitivity by a ...

Medical research

Magnetic fields enhance bone remodeling

Since the creation of 3-D-printed (3DP) porous titanium scaffolds in 2016, the scientific community has been exploring ways to improve their ability to stimulate osteogenesis, or bone remodeling. A recent study published ...

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