
Choked-up Milan takes smoking ban outside

"It's about time they passed this law. We're fed up with this smoke!" declared Massimo Gabbiadini, a shopkeeper in Piazza del Duomo, after Milan banned smoking in many outdoor places.

Medical research

Do vaping and e-cigarettes hurt your health?

Many of us make New Year's resolutions related to our health. We may vow to exercise more, eat better or lose weight. Some may decide to stop smoking or opt for electronic cigarettes, thinking they are a healthier alternative.


Teen vaping doubles risk for subsequent tobacco use

(HealthDay)—Adolescent boys who use electronic cigarettes have an increased risk for subsequently initiating traditional tobacco products, according to a study published online Dec. 8 in Addictive Behaviors.


5 tips to help quit smoking in 2021

Many smokers make a New Year's resolution to quit, so the American Lung Association offers advice to improve their chances of success.


Op-ed: Stop using tobacco products and be 'lung healthy' at home

The novel coronavirus attacks our airways, making it difficult to breathe. It is particularly important to take special care of our lungs during the pandemic and beyond. Caring for our lungs can help us better avoid and fight ...

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