Biomedical technology

Improving hearing in an increasingly noisy world

As knowledge increases about how auditory troubles develop, new technological advances are set to cut through the clamour. Meeting a few friends in a noisy café can mean straining to hear all the conversation. It can be ...


Your brain's got rhythm

Not everyone is Fred Astaire or Michael Jackson, but even those of us who seem to have two left feet have got rhythm—in our brains. From breathing to walking to chewing, our days are filled with repetitive actions that ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists discover electrical control of cancer cell growth

The molecular switches regulating human cell growth do a great job of replacing cells that die during the course of a lifetime. But when they misfire, life-threatening cancers can occur. Research led by scientists at The ...


Chips that mimic the brain

No computer works as efficiently as the human brain – so much so that building an artificial brain is the goal of many scientists. Neuroinformatics researchers from the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich have now made ...

Medical research

Cells must use their brakes moderately for effective speed control

How cells regulate their own function by "accelerating and braking" is important basic knowledge when new intelligent medicines are being developed, or when plant cells are tweaked to produce more bioenergy. In a study published ...

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