
Customized, frequent emails show promise in tobacco cessation

Smokers who received frequent, tailored emails with quitting tips, motivational messages, and social support had cessation rates rivaling that of the most effective medication available for cessation, according to a new American ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

You've got mail—personality differences in email use

A new study shows that while many of us cannot do our job without email, it can stress us out - and that personality differences affect how we use email and what we find stressful.


After-hours work email no friend of the family

(HealthDay)—Picture this: It's Saturday morning. You're in the bleachers watching your kid play soccer. But, instead of enjoying the game, you're bracing for a barrage of emails from the boss, because that's her style.


Many patients using e-mail as first method of provider contact

(HealthDay)—For patients with chronic conditions, the ability to communicate with their doctor via e-mail may help improve their health, according to a study published online Dec. 21 in the American Journal of Managed Care.


Researchers looks at impact of patient-to-physician messaging

Email has become one of the most widespread forms of communication, with its streamlined interactions benefiting both businesses and individuals. With the advent of secure patient web portals and the faith that online access ...

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