
How to avoid information overload

Being able to go online offers a wealth of knowledge, keeps you connected to loved ones and makes all sorts of transactions more convenient. But there's a downside.

Medical economics

How susceptible are hospital employees to phishing attacks?

Cybersecurity threats are a rising problem in society, especially for health care organizations. Successful attacks can jeopardize not only patient data but also patient care, leading to cancellations and disruptions in the ...


Walgreens worst violator in tobacco sales to minors, FDA says

(HealthDay)—Walgreens' high rate of violations for selling tobacco products to minors has led U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., to ask for a meeting with the company to discuss the issue.


Customized, frequent emails show promise in tobacco cessation

Smokers who received frequent, tailored emails with quitting tips, motivational messages, and social support had cessation rates rivaling that of the most effective medication available for cessation, according to a new American ...


After-hours work email no friend of the family

(HealthDay)—Picture this: It's Saturday morning. You're in the bleachers watching your kid play soccer. But, instead of enjoying the game, you're bracing for a barrage of emails from the boss, because that's her style.


Many patients using e-mail as first method of provider contact

(HealthDay)—For patients with chronic conditions, the ability to communicate with their doctor via e-mail may help improve their health, according to a study published online Dec. 21 in the American Journal of Managed Care.

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