Medical research

Scientists create human sperm in lab, but does it work?

French researchers said Thursday they had patented a method to create sperm using stem cells harvested from infertile men—though they do not know if the lab-fabricated seed actually works.

Medical research

Spheroid stem cell production sows hope for IPF treatment

In a small pilot study, researchers from North Carolina State University have demonstrated a rapid, simple way to generate large numbers of lung stem cells for use in disease treatment. This method of harvesting and growing ...


Study reveals the genetic start-up of a human embryo

An international team of scientists led from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet has for the first time mapped all the genes that are activated in the first few days of a fertilized human egg. The study, which is being published ...

Medical research

Biologists identify mechanisms of embryonic wound repair

It's like something out of a science-fiction movie - time-lapse photography showing how wounds in embryos of fruit flies heal themselves. The images are not only real; they shed light on ways to improve wound recovery in ...

Medical research

Study provides hope for some human stem cell therapies

An international team of scientists headed by biologists at UC San Diego has discovered that an important class of stem cells known as human "induced pluripotent stem cells," or iPSCs, which are derived from an individual's ...


Regenerating nerve tissue in spinal cord injuries

Researchers at Rush University Medical Center are exploring a new therapy using stem cells to treat spinal cord injuries within the first 14 to 30 days of injury. Rush is only the second center in the country currently studying ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study details powerful molecular promoter of colon cancers

Cancer researchers already know of some oncogenes and other factors that promote the development of colon cancers, but they don't yet have the full picture of how these cancers originate and spread. Now researchers from the ...

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