
High court asked to block morning-after pill rule

(AP)—Hobby Lobby Stores is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to block part of the federal health care law that requires it to provide insurance coverage for the morning-after pill and similar emergency contraception pills.


US denies bid to expand morning-after pill sales

US regulators on Wednesday rejected a drug company's request to make emergency contraception available over the counter to consumers of all ages instead of by prescription to those under 17.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Japan approves abortion pill for the first time

The abortion pill will become available in Japan for the first time after the health ministry approved the drug used to terminate early-stage pregnancy.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Alarm bells as US abortion ruling fuels rush on morning-after pill

When the US Supreme Court overturned the nationwide right to abortion, Julie Crowe went straight online to do some shopping. She ordered 10 packs of the emergency contraceptive pill known as Plan B for immediate delivery.

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