
Elder abuse often missed in ER

(HealthDay)—About 10 percent of American seniors suffer elder abuse, yet the problem is often missed in hospital emergency departments, a new study finds.


ER visits, wait times up for US psychiatric patients

(HealthDay)—One in five emergency physicians polled said they've had psychiatric patients who needed hospitalization who had to wait two to five days before being assigned an inpatient bed. The findings from the survey ...


Elder abuse under-identified in US emergency departments

Elder abuse affects approximately 1 in 10 older adults in the United States and has far-reaching negative effects on physical and mental health. Victims of elder abuse, like other vulnerable populations, tend not to receive ...


Seniors with more continuity of care use the ER less

Seniors with traditional Medicare coverage who have more continuity of care - defined as consistently seeing the same physician in an outpatient setting - have lower chances of visiting an emergency department, according ...


Can your fitness tracker save your life in the ER?

Emergency physicians used a patient's personal activity tracker and smartphone to identify the time his heart arrhythmia started, which allowed them to treat his new-onset atrial fibrillation with electrical cardioversion ...

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