
Study identifies the danger of grill brushes

Rhode Island Hospital physicians identified six cases of accidental ingestion of wire grill brush bristles that required endoscopic or surgical removal. The paper calls attention to the need for the public and physicians ...


Confusion about emergency contraception access common

(HealthDay) -- While most pharmacies report having emergency contraception (EC) in stock, misinformation regarding what age women can take it without a prescription is common, according to a study published online March 26 ...


Carpenter strives to change ER experience

Emergency physician Chris Carpenter, MD, wishes his grandfather, a sprinter who once competed against the legendary Jesse Owens, had received different care when he visited the emergency department for bumps and scrapes in ...


U.S. health systems not ready for catastrophes: report

(HealthDay) -- In many parts of the United States, the infrastructure and systems to deliver health care during or after catastrophic disasters such as major earthquakes or widespread disease outbreaks are rudimentary at ...


Medicaid patients go to ERs more often: study

(HealthDay) -- Medicaid patients have more difficulty getting primary care and visit hospital emergency departments more often than those with private insurance, a new study finds.

Overweight & Obesity

Crash experts find car seats protect overweight kids, too

Researchers at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's Center for Injury Research and Prevention studied nearly 1,000 1- to 8-year-old children involved in crashes and found no evidence of increased injury risk for children ...

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