
Palliative care improves outcomes for seniors

Seniors in long-term care experienced a significant reduction in emergency room visits and depression when receiving palliative care services, according to a recent collaborative study by researchers at Hebrew SeniorLife's ...


'Synthetic pot' sending thousands of young people to ER

(HealthDay)—U.S emergency rooms tended to more than 11,400 cases of drug-related health complications specifically linked to the use of synthetic marijuana in 2010, a new government report reveals.


HHS details overhaul rules and required benefits

The Obama administration is strengthening the prescription drug coverage that will be available to the millions of people who will start getting insurance through the nation's health care overhaul.


Systematic pain management needed for children in ER

(HealthDay)—Steps to manage pain and stress in pediatric emergency medical care are recommended, according to a clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published online Oct. 29 in Pediatrics.


Pediatricians key in rural emergency medical services

(HealthDay)—In rural areas, pediatricians can play a key role in the development, implementation, and ongoing supervision of emergency medical services for children (EMSC), according to a policy statement from the American ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Vets' readjustment issues may spur PTSD treatment

(HealthDay)—The stress of readjusting to civilian life is a major reason some U.S. soldiers seek treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, a new study finds.


India's emergency care system in tatters

(AP)—After a motorbike accident, Bharat Singh rushed to get his brother the emergency care he needed. It would end up taking five hours—three of them spent in a van posing as an ambulance, with an empty oxygen tank and ...

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