Psychology & Psychiatry

Does 'harsh parenting' lead to smaller brains?

Repeatedly getting angry, hitting, shaking or yelling at children is linked with smaller brain structures in adolescence, according to a new study published in Development and Psychology. It was conducted by Sabrina Suffren, ...


Child bullies at higher odds for substance abuse as adults

Schoolyard bullies have been making life difficult for kids for eons, often causing lasting damage to their victims. Now, new research shows these bullies can also suffer lasting consequences as they age.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kids often hit hard by death of beloved pet, study finds

(HealthDay)—The loss of a pet may be a child's first encounter with death, and new research suggests no one should underestimate the psychological trauma that the loss can bring.


Child neglect linked to teen pregnancy

Children who experience neglect are seven times more likely than other abuse victims to have a teen pregnancy say University of Queensland researchers.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychological abuse: Obstetric care must delve deeper

As domestic violence skyrockets amid COVID-19, women's health experts are calling for compulsory training of obstetric health practitioners to ensure they can recognize the signs of coercive control for women in their care.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rethinking women's mental health following partner abuse

When one in six Australian women report experiencing physical and/or sexual violence—and one in four report emotional abuse—by a current or previous cohabiting partner since the age of 15, you know there is a problem.

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