Psychology & Psychiatry

Marketing is more effective when targeted to personality profiles

Advertisers spend enormous amounts of time and money attempting to tailor their advertising campaigns to the needs of different demographic groups. After all, the concerns of first-year college students are going to be different ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Coping with grief on Father's Day

Father's Day can be a painful day of mourning for those who have lost a father or a child. An expert at Baylor College of Medicine offers his advice on dealing with the grief that may come with Father's Day.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologist offers advice on soothing children traumatized by war

A Northwestern University pediatric psychologist—who advises Ukrainian charity workers and therapists about working with that country's traumatized children—shares her expertise regarding how to support children affected ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Commentary: Restricted abortion access will cause psychiatric harm

Restricted access to abortions will cause tremendous stress and potential major psychiatric illnesses for individuals carrying unwanted pregnancies, write Northwestern Medicine and Columbia University psychiatrists in a commentary ...

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