Psychology & Psychiatry

Study uncovers clues to young children's aggressive behavior

Children who are persistently aggressive, defiant, and explosive by the time they're in kindergarten very often have tumultuous relationships with their parents from early on. A new longitudinal study suggests that a cycle ...


Positive teens become healthier adults

Teenagers are known for their angst-ridden ways, but those who remain happy and positive during the tumultuous teenage years report better general health when they are adults, according to a new Northwestern University study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Altered brain activity in antisocial teenagers

Teenage girls with problematic social behavior display reduced brain activity and weaker connectivity between the brain regions implicated in emotion regulation. The findings of an international study carried out by researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Coping with loss on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a special day meant to show those you love most that you care about them, but for some this day could trigger feelings of grief because their loved one has passed away. One Baylor College of Medicine expert ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Coping with grief on Father's Day

Father's Day can be a painful day of mourning for those who have lost a father or a child. An expert at Baylor College of Medicine offers his advice on dealing with the grief that may come with Father's Day.

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