Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Music helps patients with dementia connect with loved ones

People with dementia often lose their ability to communicate verbally with loved ones in later stages of the disease. But a Northwestern Medicine study, in collaboration with Institute for Therapy through the Arts (ITA), ...

Overweight & Obesity

Repeated weight loss attempts do not guarantee the best outcome

In addition to a higher BMI, individuals who had repeatedly attempted to lose weight reported a higher tendency to purposefully restrict food intake for weight control, and more uncontrolled eating with a tendency to overeat, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Evaluating a new form of therapy for autistic individuals

A doctoral thesis at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden has investigated whether Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be used for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The results show that the treatment can be carried ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research maps how the brain changes during depression treatment

For the first time, researchers have shown what happens to the brain when a person receives a depression treatment known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). The results were published today in the American ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Coaching program reduces burnout among resident physicians

A coaching program aimed at decreasing burnout among female resident physicians significantly reduced emotional exhaustion and imposter syndrome while increasing self-compassion over a six month period, according to researchers ...

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