Psychology & Psychiatry

Cognitive therapy, relaxation training both beneficial for migraine

For adults with migraine, migraine-specific, integrative cognitive behavioral therapy (miCBT) and relaxation training (RLX) are both beneficial, with no significant between-group difference seen at follow-up, according to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Evaluating a new form of therapy for autistic individuals

A doctoral thesis at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden has investigated whether Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be used for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The results show that the treatment can be carried ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID and racism cause nurses of color to face 'dual pandemic'

In a phenomenon that researchers are calling a "dual pandemic" because of the severity of the impact of coupled factors, a Rutgers School of Nursing research study has found that non-white nurses are suffering disproportionately ...

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