
Deep sleep puts the 'REM' in remembering

When it comes to mental health and cognitive function, the importance of rapid eye-movement sleep - that deep, restorative stage of sleep that we cycle in and out of throughout the night - is so well established that experiments ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Memory may aid emotion regulation, particularly in older adults

In a study exploring the relationship between memory for specific past experiences and recovery from strong negative emotions, University of Massachusetts Amherst research psychologists report that episodic memory may be ...


How the stress hormone cortisol reinforces traumatic memories

The stress hormone cortisol strengthens memories of scary experiences. However, it is effective not only while the memory is being formed for the first time, but also later when people look back at an experience while the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fond memories make fragrances a favorite

When the scent of a fragrant product triggers a fond memory that a customer holds, it is more likely to be a hit. So says Rachel Herz of Brown University, and Haruko Sugiyama and colleagues at the Kao Corporation in Japan ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How our emotions transform mundane events into strong memories

Human beings are information seekers. We are constantly taking in details – big and small – from our environment. But the majority of the stuff we encounter in a given day we rarely need to remember. For instance, what ...


Researchers see way cocaine hijacks memory

Washington State University researchers have found a mechanism in the brain that facilitates the pathologically powerful role of memory in drug addiction. Their discovery opens a new area of research for targeted therapy ...

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