Psychology & Psychiatry

Inflammation in depression: Chicken or egg?

An important ongoing debate in the field of psychiatry is whether inflammation in the body is a consequence of or contributor to major depression. A new study in Biological Psychiatry has attempted to resolve the issue.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study: Insomnia takes toll on tinnitus patients

For the more than 36 million people plagued by tinnitus, insomnia can have a negative effect on the condition, worsening the functional and emotional toll of chronic ringing, buzzing, hissing or clicking in the head and ears, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we remember emotional events better than non-emotional ones?

Most people remember emotional events—like their wedding day—very clearly, but researchers are not sure how the human brain prioritizes emotional events in memory. In a study published on January 16, 2023 in Nature Human ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Lack of sleep tampers with your emotions

Cranky or grumpy after a long night? Your brain's ability to regulate emotions is probably compromised by fatigue. This is bad news for 30 percent of American adults who get less than six hours of sleep per night, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Art is in the eye of the beholder

A researcher from James Cook University in Australia has found that a person's mental state affects how they look at art.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mood influences alcohol craving differently in men and women

Drinkers' mood shifts and exposure to alcohol-related cues—beer cans, bars, and drinking buddies—contribute to alcohol cravings in opposite ways for men and women, a new study suggests. The findings have implications ...

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