Psychology & Psychiatry

Emotional intelligence: A new criterion for hiring?

The cognitive skills and personality of a future employee are examined during a job interview: Does the candidate have the right training? The right career history? Does he present himself well? And is he affable? However, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The video games that improve kids' social skills

Video games that are specifically designed to test and improve children's social and emotional skills could enable parents and teachers to spot issues and help children improve their behaviour and performance at school as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Older people offer resources that children need

When older adults contribute to the well-being of youth, it cultivates a sense of purpose and extends benefits both ways, according to a new Stanford report.


Study highlights 'emotional labor' of college student-athletes

A recent study from North Carolina State University highlights the "emotional labor" required of collegiate student-athletes, which can leave student-athletes feeling powerless, frustrated and nervous. The study calls on ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How do children learn empathy?

Empathy, the ability to understand others and feel compassion for them, is arguably the most defining human quality – setting us apart from smart machines and even other animals. Without it, we couldn't function in social ...

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