
'Trust' hormone oxytocin found at heart of rare genetic disorder

The hormone oxytocin - often referred to as the "trust" hormone or "love hormone" for its role in stimulating emotional responses - plays an important role in Williams syndrome (WS), according to a study published June 12, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness from meditation associated with lower stress hormone

(Medical Xpress)—Focusing on the present rather than letting the mind drift may help to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, suggests new research from the Shamatha Project at the University of California, Davis.


Researcher takes on 'empathy fatigue' in workplace

(Medical Xpress) -- A nurse refuses to help an ailing alcoholic who is upset to find a hospital detox unit closed. A hospital clerk brushes off a deceased woman's grieving family as they try to pay her bills and claim her ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress shrank brain area of Japan tsunami survivors: study

Emotional stress caused by last year's tsunami caused a part of some survivors' brains to shrink, according to scientists in Japan who grasped a unique chance to study the neurological effects of trauma.

Medical research

Comfort food leads to more weight gain during stress

It's no secret that overindulging on high-calorie foods can be detrimental to health, but it turns out that under stress, watching what you eat may be even more important.A team led by Professor Herbert Herzog, Head of the ...

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