Psychology & Psychiatry

Yes, people with autism have empathy

A research group led by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has proposed a new concept for predicting autism and autistic traits. "Empathic disequilibrium" combines two types of empathy into a single scale for the first time.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What is the effect of hierarchy on moral behavior?

Researchers from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience show that powerful hierarchical situations make it easier to commit harmful actions, as agency and empathy are split across multiple individuals.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Money can increase willingness to help but only if empathy is low

A classic finding of social psychology research is that people donate less blood if they are paid to do so. If there is no payment, which means that they act simply out of a desire to help their fellow human beings, they ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Ballroom dance training promotes empathy

Ballroom dance is a form of art and sport that helps improve sensorimotor skills, cognitive levels and emotional communication. To achieve high-level performance, dancers need to collaborate, imitate, and actively interact ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research shows the role empathy may play in music

Can people who understand the emotions of others better interpret emotions conveyed through music? A new study by an international team of researchers suggests the abilities are linked.

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