
Butylparaben can have several endocrine disrupting effects

Research suggests that butylparaben – which is used in cosmetics and skin care products such as sunscreen – have more endocrine disrupting effects than previously thought. In a study from the National Food Institute, ...


EU closes in on hormone-disrupting chemicals

The European Union set broad criteria Wednesday for identifying potentially harmful chemicals which can interfere with the normal functioning of human hormones and cause a range of health problems.


Lower sperm motility in men exposed to common chemical

Men with higher exposure to the substance DEHP, a so-called phthalate, have lower sperm motility and may therefore experience more difficulties conceiving children, according to a Lund University study.


BPA can adversely affect parenting behavior in mice

Biparental care of offspring, or care that is administered by both parents, occurs in only a minority of species, including humans. Past studies have shown that maternal care can be negatively affected when females are exposed ...


Endocrine disruptors cause fatty liver

Exposure to low doses of hormone-disrupting chemicals early in life can alter gene expression in the liver as well as liver function, increasing the susceptibility to obesity and other metabolic diseases in adulthood, a new ...

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