
Forty is not too old or too late to start endurance training

Amsterdam, 9 May. A study of healthy senior men has found that "relatively intensive" endurance exercise confers benefits on the heart irrespective of the age at which they began training. The benefits were evident and comparable ...


Calculating the best time to compete after altitude training

Altitude training is a popular practice used by elite athletes to improve endurance in competitions, such as marathons and cycling races, that take place at sea level. Training at in a lower-oxygen environment (at elevations ...


Endurance sport improves neuronal connections to muscle fibers

Endurance sport does not only change the condition and fitness of muscles but also simultaneously improves the neuronal connections to the muscle fibers based on a muscle-induced feedback. This link has been discovered by ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Speed appeal: Top male cyclists rated more attractive

Women rate top male endurance cyclists more attractive than lower-ranked ones even without knowing who they are, a finding that sheds light on the mating game, a scientist said Wednesday.


Vitamin C and E supplements hampers endurance training

Vitamin C and E supplements may blunt the improvement of muscular endurance – by disrupting cellular adaptions in exercised muscles – suggests a new study published today in The Journal of Physiology.

Medical research

Molecule produced during exercise boosts brain health

A protein that is increased by endurance exercise has been isolated and given to non-exercising mice, in which it turned on genes that promote brain health and encourage the growth of new nerves involved in learning and memory, ...


Paracetamol improves exercise endurance in the heat

Paracetamol has a significant effect on exercise performance and the body's ability to cope with the thermal challenge of exercise in the heat, shows a study published today [20 September] in Experimental Physiology.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What a pain in the… groin!

She wasn't born this way, but even Lady Gaga experienced groin pain—typically a symptom of hip disease such as arthritis of the hip—or, in her case, a hip labral tear. Groin pain is a common health complaint. According ...

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