Medical research

Muscling in on multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS), a neurodegenerative disease, causes periodic attacks of neurologic symptoms such as limb weakness and mobility defects. And while MS patients' walking abilities and muscle strength are examined on ...

Medical research

Exercise in a pill may protect against extreme heat sensitivity

We've all seen the story in the news before. Whether it's the death of a physically fit high school athlete at football training camp in August, or of an elderly woman gardening in the middle of the day in July, heat stroke ...


Does caffeine enhance exercise performance? The debate continues

Caffeine is regarded by some as being a potent stimulant, but the debate continues as to whether it enhances exercise performance. A range of expert opinions capture the scope of this ongoing debate in an informative roundtable ...


The Medical Minute: Don't overdo it, you weekend warrior

There are many benefits to exercise. Exercise not only helps prevent a variety of medical disorders -- including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis -- but it is increasingly recommended for ...

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