
Concern grows over high-caffeine drinks availability

Concern is growing even stronger among West Australians about the sale of caffeinated energy drinks to kids aged under 12, with health researchers calling for government policy to restrict sales to young people.


Only some energy drinks change endothelial function

(HealthDay)—Some energy drinks appear to significantly improve endothelial function, while other energy drinks and coffee do not, according to a study published in the Nov. 1 issue of The American Journal of Cardiology.


San Francisco approves health warning on sugary drink ads

San Francisco supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to approve health warnings on ads for sugary sodas and some other drinks, saying such beverages contribute to obesity, diabetes and other health problems.


Mixing energy drinks, alcohol tied to abusive drinking in teens

Expanding what we know about college students mixing alcohol with energy drinks, investigators from Dartmouth's Norris Cotton Cancer Center found teens aged 15-17 years old who had ever mixed alcohol with energy drinks were ...


Dangers of adolescent energy drink consumption for the heart

The rapid rise in popularity of energy drinks (EDs), particularly among adolescents (aged 10-19 years) and young adults, has serious implications for cardiac health. In an article published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, ...

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