Medical research

Your bones affect your appetite—and your metabolism

Your skeleton is much more than the structure supporting your muscles and other tissues. It produces hormones, too. And Mathieu Ferron knows a lot about it. The researcher at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) ...

Medical research

Revealed: Brain 'switch' tells body to burn fat after a meal

Scientists at Monash University's Biomedicine Discovery Institute have found a mechanism by which the brain coordinates feeding with energy expenditure, solving a puzzle that has previously eluded researchers and offering ...


What exercises burn the most calories?

Researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) have calculated for the first time the real energy expenditure in different training programs, including both aerobic and anaerobic forms.

Medical research

Scientists take aim at obesity-linked protein

Scientists are working to understand the mechanisms that make weight loss so complicated. Exercise burns calories, of course, but scientists are also looking at how the body burns more energy to stay warm in cold temperatures.


Daily energy expenditure linked to health care utilization

(HealthDay)—Lower intensity of peak daily energy expenditure estimated from ambulatory electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring is associated with increased health care utilization, according to a study published in the Feb. ...


High-mileage runners expend less energy

(HealthDay)—The bodies of runners who put in a lot of mileage appear to be more efficient at running compared to those who run less, a new study finds.

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