
What are 'fasting' diets and do they help you lose weight?

Trying to lose weight is hard work. You need to plan meals and snacks, and make a big effort to avoid situations that trigger more eating and drinking than you'd planned. Dieting can also be very antisocial. But what if you ...

Overweight & Obesity

Eight diet myths—busted

With almost half the adult population trying to lose weight - it's time to bust some diet myths that just won't go away. Here's eight we've been asked about lately.

Medical research

Blood pressure hormone promotes obesity

New research by University of Iowa scientists helps explain how a hormone system often targeted to treat cardiovascular disease can also lower metabolism and promote obesity.


How to increase the fat burned during exercise

During exercise, oxidation of fat and carbohydrates depends on the intensity and duration of the activity. A new study analyses the effect of consuming an alkaloid, p-synephrine, on the burning of lipids and refutes the value ...

Medical research

Why you won't lose weight with exercise alone

Exercise by itself isn't always enough to take off the weight. Now, evidence reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on January 28 helps to explain why that is: our bodies adapt to higher activity levels, so that ...

Medical research

Gut microbes trigger fat loss in response to cold temperatures

Exposure to cold temperatures is known to mimic the effects of exercise, protecting against obesity and improving metabolic health. A study published December 3 in Cell now reveals that the beneficial health effects of cold ...


Energy expenditure increases after gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery often leads to a sustained weight loss. Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy have found part of the explanation: the operation enhances energy expenditure such that eating actually helps the person lose ...


Ease of weight loss influenced by individual biology

For the first time in a lab, researchers at the National Institutes of Health found evidence supporting the commonly held belief that people with certain physiologies lose less weight than others when limiting calories. Study ...

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